Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I really really really am not sure how this works. But I here that people blog and all of sudden things can happen. I am a writer. Always have been, but there have been so many things in the way - the need to ACTUALLY make money, having a family, having no time etc....I would be lying if I said I did not want to make an income from writing, but I also really want to share what I write with others. Not everyone can like what I write, but for those who do, I would feel so lucky that someone would get something out of a story or article I have written.

Thanks for reading my blog! I will start posting stories soon :)



  1. commenting on my own thing! the first novel put up here (Don't Forget to Call) is the first one i actually finished thru and thru altho it is a bit romancy and soap opera - y. It has a good flow and is easy reading - good for summer, beaches etc....

  2. You got it. This is the way it happens. Now you want to put content here and entice people to find, read, and comment on.
